Structuralism is conveyed in this photo, taken by Dave Blumenkrantz, due to the juxtaposition of this soon to be mother and a machine for destruction. It creates a place to speak, to theorize, to investigate, instead of just gazing at the aesthetics. It decenters the individual portraying the self as a construct and a consequence of impersonal systems." They are not in control of their social existence, but "created by social and cultural systems, within which they are subjects" (Norton, 20) We focus on the internal approach here. What is this woman's life like? Why is a precious life about to be born next to a killing machine? What is she thinking? This evokes a string of conversation about the actual happenings within the picture, not just the composition of the picture. Rather, the composition evokes the structuralism therein. This picture poses a spectrum of possibilities as we realize the setting of her home.
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